Wednesday, December 28, 2005

aren'y moms great?

my mom called me at 6:30am on christmas morning, hammered, asking if I liked the snow she had bought for me.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I wished her a merry christmas whilst heavily cursing under my breath. She sent me some kind of chemistry experiment that turns what looks like soap powder, into fluffy soap powder (snow). How she sneaked it by customs, I'll never know, the important thing is, she completely ruined the only gift she'd actually sent me, that I wasn't set to open for at least another 3 hours. god bless mom, god bless.

I think I could probably say this was the best christmas ever. I got a dremmel and a tool set. I feel like a real man at last.

The dremmel has allowed me to make my own circuit boards in double quick time! I drilled and cut 2 boards yesterday in the time it would normally take me to drill and cut one board. So once again, I have taken over the kitchen and it is festooned with electronic components, drill bits and various piles of "Man Shite" as the lady indoors has dubbed it. What with it being solely created by the unfairer of the species.

I also trod in an enormous, wet, dog turd outside of blockbuster video on Boxing day. Good luck? maybe.


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