Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy 2007

I don't know where to begin on my little overview of the year. That is probably symptomatic of how my year went. Lot's of big plans, but no real execution of said plans, or any direction.

I've promised a lot of guitar pedals to people, which I mostly delivered, just not in a timely manner. I suppose the best explanation was that life, and namely other peoples lives got in the way of my life and my plans.

The band started with a bang, then promptly fizzled when the singer took a job in L.A. It now looks like we are back on again! The singer is working in the Bay Area and we have practices set up in the new year. Maybe some gigs! Maybe get the album in people other than ourselves hands. Who knows?

The work situation improved 100%
The new job is going well, I start my pension in January if I can find the forms I was supposed to fill out! Everything is much smoother than it was, and more importantly, I feel like an integral part of the office. Hopefully 2007 will bring some more money/responsibility and I can start to really show people what I am capable of.

I lost weight! too much weight. I'm down to 145 pounds. Which would be perfect if I hadn't lost it all from my arse! I can't even sit down on un padded furniture any more.

House hunting went terribly! Partially because neither of us earn enough money to support the lifestyle we would like to lead, and partially because landlords are robbing bastards. We were close to signing up for one place, but that place is already for sale again! a mere 2 months after we looked in to renting it! Dodged a bullet there.

The worst house hunting experience came at the end of the year. We looked at a place, and when we got there, there were at least three other couples that could have been clones of us. Same car (one even the same colour), Same age group, Same hair. We were so freaked out that we couldn't stay. Plus the house was a shoe box.

2007 will bring us back to the sceptered isle. So I am expecting a week on Nan's setee watching emmerdale.

Resolutions for 2007? None! What's the point? I would just have too much fun breaking them and getting dissapointed at myself. But technically, my new years resolution is no new years resolutions. I think I just tripped up before the year began.

Happy new year to all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Morti, look forward to seeing you soon.

6:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let us know when your Coming, ill put the kettle on.

11:58 AM  

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