Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Weekend Jaunt to the Beach

I spent my weekend in beautiful Pismo Beach, on Californias central coast.

What a lovely part of the world. Perfect weather, shame about the company.

Mandy and I spent the weekend with her family who fought like it was 1943.

So my car is dented and my camera is full of the finest Pismo sand. Still got mad love for those crazy in law G's

On the other hand, I did pick up an awesome organ. It's made by Roxy, and it sounds like an electric orgasm. Or an electric accordian, but way better. I would post pictures, and sound clips, but, sand! Remember?

A lady at work shouted at me today, then later appologised and told me she was on her period. I think she was hitting on me. It was her subconcious way of telling me; "I'm not that old, I could still go a few rounds, Buster." I think I said something dumb like; "oh yeah. My wife gets those."

Office banter is always uncomfortable. From fake smiles as you pass people who don't know your name, to when the high up guys ask you if you watched the tennis yesterday. In case you were interested, he tivo'd it, and asked if I was interested in seeing it. I said sure, but I just got Dharma and Greg on DVD, so it might be a couple of days.

That last part was a lie. However, office banter is made way more uncomfortable by me not having a clue what to say back to some of these people. Plus, nerding it up doesn't help. I think I heard someone utter; "I think he must have been home schooled."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blank grimmace is the one gesture you should practice. It should become your default look when people try to make small talk. It's the facial version of saying "reaaaally" loaded with faux-interest. Other office workers will subconsiously read this as "this dude's not at all interested in what I've got to say, but he seems like a good egg all the same".

3:20 AM  
Blogger Old Man Rich said...

Surely over there you just say some uber British-ism like 'top hole good chap. Jolly hock sticks what-ho?' and the will all think your some brilliant eccentric.

Of course, you have to wear a tweed jacket...

7:26 AM  

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