Saturday, December 09, 2006

Never one to disappoint my fans, here is another update!

Firstly, I would like to point out that there are other more blog-shy folks than me. Namely, Stavros and Fulla. So please merk, get your house in order before transatlantically antagonising me.

Just joking. It's nice to get a push every now and again.

Tower records is closing down. Good ridance. I've always found them to be overpriced. Although, the big sale they are having now is rather good. I picked up some Coachwhips, Bruce Springsteen, Replacements, and Broadcast for $20. Best of all, the Springsteen album was only $3.

I think I have some kind of attention defecit disorder. Did I already mention that? I'm getting very forgetful. I asked one of my co-workers, and he reccomended that I give up diet-coke. He thinks artificial sugars can cause memory problems. I think he might be right. Since I started on my healthier food kick, my memory has been goldfish-esque. I have post it notes everywhere. I know other people at work have noticed it too because any time they need something done, they ask my co-worker to do it. My mind races all the time. It's like I cant hold a thought in my head. Like the blue fish in that Finding Nemo movie. Always talking, but not remembering anything.

Anyway, despite my memory problems, I am still Fergalicious. And I dont mean like Fergie from black eyed peas, I mean like solo era Fergal Sharkey. I wish people would line down the block just to check what I've got. But they don't.


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