Monday, April 24, 2006

Biggest Update Ever

It's been a while but here is where I've been.

Last thursday mandy and I cruised along to a morrissey night in San francisco. Newcastle brown on tap was both a good and bad sign! I decided to relax with a few, but the club was busy and people were encroaching on my personal space, and my newly found beer personality reared its ugly head.

People kept trying to put their coats on the back of my chair, so I kept throwing them on the dancefloor. People were not pleased. some money fell out of one persons coat (one dollar) so I decided to write on it, nice and big, "I FOUND THIS, YOU SHOULD BE MORE CAREFUL" the dollar bill then proceeded onto the dancefloor, with the coat but not in the coat. I feel old when I go to clubs these days, and I dont have time for youthfulness, especially if it means touching me on the back. I mean, would you just walk up to some random stranger and put your coat on the back of his chair?

My future brother-in-law-in law told me the next day I had also been a bit "punchy" Great. Morrissey usually brings out the sensitive side of me, but not tonight my love!

At Easter, Mandy and I drove down to see her sister in porterville, about 3 hours away. Mandys sister is about to give birth any day to twins, so we thought we would offer some support before she never gets another wink of sleep.

Porterville is a farming town, largely made up of orange groves, nut trees and olive trees. So there isn't an awful lot to do.

We got back and I had the trots just like the dog that came in my shop! Karma is a bitch. I Didn't do it on the carpet though. It was my first sick day in about 6 years. I got back to work the next day, and no internet!!!
ARGH that means that the three spare hours in my day I had to fill up by reading the newspaper, avon catalogue, books from lost and found, you get the picture.
Still no internet today!!

The playoffs started (ice hockey) Go sharks.

Best of all, on sunday was the Make faire. A sort of "Burning man" meets silicon valley. Tons of weird people there. people who make bikes out of wood, a couple who have an enormous CNC machine in their house, just because they like to carve wood. A guy who created Bend Over Bear, a stuffed toy, which when an object is inserted in his rectum, he says rude stuff. A guy who created his own nightvision goggles.

Ive never seen so many beards, sandles, and hippy children in my life. Did I mention Segway Polo? 100 mpg cars? musical instruments from childrens toys?

Apart from the weirdy beardies, it was just like the world had opened up their collective sheds and garages so we could see what people get up to when they have too much time on their hands.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

blog shy

9:44 AM  

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