Tuesday, May 23, 2006

blog shy

sorry, things have been rather hectic here. Mandys oldest sister just had twins, and then her youngest sister just got married! Upside of the latter is that whilst on their honey moon, we get to enjoy their broadband internet access! So this whole process is now a breeze! It's even prompted me to get DSL! Not broadband, do I look like I'm made of money?

On the work front, a nice position came up working as a recording engineer/assistant/dogs body for a charity who help blind and dyslexic people. I would love to do it, but it's only part time.

I don't know how many of you keep a Myspace profile, I just got one and was connected to dorsett and ricky! nice to see thier faces, even if they are a little on the scary side! ;)

I am in limbo! My life is really all about treading water at the moment. Financially secure, but still buying smart price bread! I am a lazy, blog shy, bastard.

I will post some pictures of the wedding and all that soon.


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