Pay day is the best day of all
The count down to Friday is ON! slow, but ON!
I hope they do something nice for me, like offer to pay for all my ebay junk, or buy me a guitar.
Now, I know it isn't realistic to hope for those things, but it is helping the slow work days go by faster. I've been staring into space, dreaming that they turn up with a Gretsch country gentleman jr, and say: Here you go Steve. Thanks for all of your hard work. But I am more likely to get a handshake or a hug. Boo to that!
I am then off on my summer holiday! Mandy and I are having 4 days in Carson City, NV. Mandy thinks it's awesome because she gets to spend some time with her family there, I think its awesome because there are a ton of pawn shops. Maybe I will find that gretsch country gent I have pined for.
I hope they do something nice for me, like offer to pay for all my ebay junk, or buy me a guitar.
Now, I know it isn't realistic to hope for those things, but it is helping the slow work days go by faster. I've been staring into space, dreaming that they turn up with a Gretsch country gentleman jr, and say: Here you go Steve. Thanks for all of your hard work. But I am more likely to get a handshake or a hug. Boo to that!
I am then off on my summer holiday! Mandy and I are having 4 days in Carson City, NV. Mandy thinks it's awesome because she gets to spend some time with her family there, I think its awesome because there are a ton of pawn shops. Maybe I will find that gretsch country gent I have pined for.
I've been punching numbers into the same computer for six years, and I've often thought what will they get me when I finally move my arse out of the comfort zone and hand in my notice. I'd like it to be a new laptop, or some cool t-shirts, or maybe a new cricket bat. What it'll be is probably a 5 quid HMV voucher, or a firm accountancy-type corporate handshake.
Carson City, home of the informous moonlight bunny ranch. I saw a programme about it on BBC Three once.
Oi cheeky! I said pawn shops, not porn shops!
Normally I get to clear my desk & am escorted from the premisis by the security guards.
Steal as much as you can before you go. That way if they get you something shit you can always flog the stuff you nicked on ebay and get something good. Just an idea.
So? What they get you?
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