Thursday, September 29, 2005

Off the hook

Ever since mandy's older sister had a sprog, there has been considerably more heat, and eyes on us to see if we are going to make a womb beast soon.

So imagine my relief when yesterday we found out she had another one in the oven, which gives us at least another year before anyone takes the slightest bit of interest in our copulation habits.

I congratulated my brother-in-law-in-law by singing him a song about how fertile he was, and that his tads were the healthiest in california. Infact I even felt more vigour just talking on the phone with him.

Me nana called today to tell me that somerfields didnt have any more lamb shanks. What a relief it was to hear that, what with me being at least 6,000 miles away from that disaster zone.

I wish she would phone me and do something a bit more fun like describing what the page 3 girls norks look like today, or even reading the funny little blurb which the girls probably dont even say. No, instead I usualy get whats been on special offer in somerfields (mr kipling cakes) and the readers digest of richard littlejohns monthly comments.

God bless me nana


Blogger Steve said...

are they made by dr oeteker? if so, those are ace. That is good news.

9:48 AM  

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