Monday, October 17, 2005

adventures in dog sitting

I was lucky enough to dog sit for a Beagle puppy over the weekend. I was hoping to take a picture, but the little wotsit wouldn't keep still for long enough! The dogs name is Sadie Lane, but I might rename it "ow, thats my hand". Nasty biting habit.

I got to see the Corrales V Castillo fight over the weekend, a bit of a let down thanks to castillo pilling on the pies pre fight. Still, sets up a 3rd fight though, maybe that's what he wanted.

I've been listening to Squeeze a lot lately. I really love Squeeze, I suppose it's a vice, they are not the normal kind of stuff I'd listen to. "And behind the chalet, our holiday's complete. And I feel like William Tell. Maid Marian on her tip toed feet"

Don't even get me going on cool for cats! What a choon!

Managed to see Million dollar baby, and half of shaun of the dead, two films that have been on the list for yonks. Thoroughly enjoyed all of both!

I think I've got fuzz on the brain, either that or I have hyper extended my brain. Work takes no brain power, but I always feel like a Zombie at the end of the day. I think it's the people I work with. It takes all my energy to pick up after everyone elses messes, not to mention UPS workers in general being monkey brained, thieving, retards who seem to damage everything they get their simian little hands on.

They managed to break an aluminium baseball bat, and then lose it, and then lose the box it was shipped in. The mind boggles.


Blogger Steve said...

it is a bit hollywood, but its enjoyable. Wouldnt have given it any oscars, like.

8:36 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

How did they break an aluminum baseball bat? That takes talent.

10:12 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

If you've seen lord of the rings, you'll no doubt recall the scene where all the trees are burned and the goblins or orcs or whatever they are, crawl out of wombs in the ground.

Well once they were done with filming, they all needed jobs so UPS employed them. All of them. And now the Orcs spend their days destroying packages and making my job very hard.

1:15 PM  

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