Wednesday, December 28, 2005

aren'y moms great?

my mom called me at 6:30am on christmas morning, hammered, asking if I liked the snow she had bought for me.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I wished her a merry christmas whilst heavily cursing under my breath. She sent me some kind of chemistry experiment that turns what looks like soap powder, into fluffy soap powder (snow). How she sneaked it by customs, I'll never know, the important thing is, she completely ruined the only gift she'd actually sent me, that I wasn't set to open for at least another 3 hours. god bless mom, god bless.

I think I could probably say this was the best christmas ever. I got a dremmel and a tool set. I feel like a real man at last.

The dremmel has allowed me to make my own circuit boards in double quick time! I drilled and cut 2 boards yesterday in the time it would normally take me to drill and cut one board. So once again, I have taken over the kitchen and it is festooned with electronic components, drill bits and various piles of "Man Shite" as the lady indoors has dubbed it. What with it being solely created by the unfairer of the species.

I also trod in an enormous, wet, dog turd outside of blockbuster video on Boxing day. Good luck? maybe.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

In response to OMR's tree

I did not decorate this tree, but this is what your tree could be.

Here is me after a succesful hunt and capture!

this was one of the last decent 4 ft trees left. We got to it just before this really mean woman. She had a face like a fox licking shit off a wire brush.

I also built a guitar amp into an old answering machine. Powered by one of them square batteries, and a 2 inch speaker!

Friday, December 09, 2005

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

It is, it really is. If you've ever heard the joy in the song "Feliz Navidad" then you know I'm right. It's a true xmas classic that you've probably never heard.

I was thinking today abour how far zoos have come in terms of their purpose. Todays modern zoos are a far cry from when zoo keepers walked tigers around on a lead, and when zoo keepers scrubbed elephants clean with a yard brush and a hosepipe. today it's all about keeping the enclosures as close to the animals natural habitat as possible. The drawbacks? who wants to try spotting a tapir in a bush from a hundred yards away?

I say stick that tapir in a nappy and throw it in with the chimps tea party!

Not really, but it does give you a nice cross-section of how our attitudes towards animals have changed.

When documentaries used to be about the British upper classes travelling to far flung corners of the globe just to tease crocodiles in a river (a man actually disposes of his razor blades in a crocodiles mouth) Now documentaries are about how crazy aussie guys with no sense of fear are rescuing injured crocs and giving them plastic surgery! How a few decades makes a difference.

The reason why I brought this up was because I was in a craft store last week and they have a little section of dried sea creatures, and they had a big bucket full of dried sea horses. I thought how many other stores were in the same chain (about 500) worked out that there were probably at least 250-400 seahorses in this bucket, which meant that if one of these buckets existed at every single store across the country that it would equal between 12,500 and 20,000 dead seahorses for 'craft' purposes. Not meat, hobbies.

How far have we really come?

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Flip my hat, Fellas got a blog!

Nothing in it yet, but its good to know he's still alive.

On my recent trip back to blighty, fella decided to go to Florida. It's almost like he can't stand to even share a continent with me. Do I smell?

Every day I wake up and miss something from England. Usually quiz shows, but this morning I missed Pat Bonnar, from Auf wiedersehn, pet.